Thursday, September 28, 2006


First, I swear I'm into more than clothes! But...

I just caught a sneak peek of the new gymbo line. The one that I have $125 of gymbucks for. And a $25 store credit. The one I can "spend" over $275 for $125.

Oh. My. Gosh.

Lately I haven't cared much for the boys' lines, but I heard this one had trains. I think I might have to return some of his baby gap stuff to justify this!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Last night I was on Gymbohaven's chit chat forum & someone had a 20% off code up for grabs & I got it! Yay! I re-ordered everything I got last week (and added a little more in!) & got $75 Gymbucks for not too much more than I spent last week :) Now I just have to return everything I got (not looking forward to that!). Between my 20% off score & the haul I got at Baby Gap outlet for Brandon...we are set! Yee-hah!

What I got last night:

to go with the striped hoodie & tee

At first I wasn't sure if I really liked this line, but I *love* this purple outfit! So different for Livi :)

For Brandon

to be worn together like this

Minus these particular pants (got him some cute cargo ones at the baby gap outlet) & the backpack. I thought he'd look adorable in these for his 18 month portraits that I need to get done soon.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fun new clothes!

Some new outfits I got for Olivia over the last month or so...

Sugar & Spice (from ebay)

My Best Friend (from ebay). The yoga set is velour & looked so warm & cozy, and I thought I matching onesie for underneath would complete the set.

Primrose...just a tee & leggings, but how comfy! I'm planning on getting her another A-line tee & leggings during the next sale too ;)

Outdoor Whimsy...had to do the cute overalls! Nice for the holidays, and she has a hairbow to match already :)

Mix & Match: my mom got her the cute kitty cat jacket, and then I figre the tee & sweater can go with any jeans...although today I found out that they accidentally sold me a onesie that was supposed to go back on the shelf. So, if I exchange that & get some bottoms instead...we'll see :)