Thursday, June 14, 2007

tomster's survey challenge

My friend Audrey posted this on myspace, & of course I had to take her up on it. I love how with email & now myspace you are never at a loss for these silly surveys!

I'll take you up on this Audrey!

1. I've come to realize...
that you don't get a rewind button, so do it right the first time.

2. I am listening to...
a humming sound in the distance...power lines?

3. I talk...
too much!

4. I love...
my kids

5. My best friends...
are few

6. My Car...
is full of cookie crumbs

7. My love life...
could use a pick-me-up

8. I hate it when people ask...
if my kids are twins

9. Love is...

10. Marriage is..

11. Somewhere, someone is thinking...
hey, there's a rock in my tire...oh, wait! Score! It's a diamond in my tire!

12. I'm always...
up WAYYYY past my bedtime

13. I have a secret crush on...
Boo from Survivor :) love the eye candy on that show!

14. I love to eat...

15. My cell phone...
would be prettier in pink

16. When I wake up in the morning...
I tell Olivia to shut up & go back to sleep (in my head)

17. Before I go to bed...
I take a shower, no time in the morning

18. Right now I am thinking about...
what to answer to these silly (but fun) questions & whether I should post this on my blog too

19. Babies are...
a gift from God, but a LOT of work

20. I get on MySpace...
more often now than before

21. Today I...
went to the grocery store...yes, I was THAT lady with the 2 screaming kids that should've been at home

23. Tomorrow I will...
have to go to work :(

24. I really want...
a new big diamond :) Hello insurance!

25. Someone that will most likely repost this...
Audrey sent it, Holly replied....hmmmm....

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